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"St. Valentine's Day"
Medium: Steel Plate    Dimensions: 6' h
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When I was one-and-twenty
I heard him say again,
'The heart out of the bosom
Was never given in vain;
'Tis paid with sighs a plenty
And sold for endless rue.'
And I am two-and-twenty,
And oh, 'tis true, 'tis true.

-- A. E. Housman, When I Was One-and-Twenty (second stanza)

Housman cynically (or realistically depending on one's experiences) analyzes the relationship between love and wisdom.  I realize that I took the heart out from the wrong side.  But then again, youthful love is known for it's mental confusion.

The trunk approach was an effort in trying to solve the problem of being able to paint both inside and outside surfaces.  The back of the man and woman snap on and off.

© 2001 to 2009  Franklin L. Jensen
All Rights Reserved.
All Original Works Property of Franklin L. Jensen